A young woman learning to save lives shares her EMT training experience, weight loss goals, and the diet tools that are making her a future healthy Paramedic. She also shares EMT jobs and Paramedic jobs around the world. She writes about Fort Worth/DFW to raise money for wounded Emergency Medical Technicians, Firefighters, K9 Officers, Law Enforcement, Police Officers, Rescuers and their families around the world.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

A new kind of Independence

It’s 4th of July weekend. A weekend where we celebrate being citizens of the United States and our independence. For many people in Fort Worth, Texas and around United States, Independence Day means so much more to them.
This year I’m celebrating my Independence from many different things:

  • Food Addiction
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • Negative past
  • Unhealthy Relationships
  • Confusion about what I want in life
  • Taking care of other people before I take care of myself
  • Feeling like a monster

As human beings we are so much stronger than we think we are. Our minds and hearts are able to handle so many different situations and then grow from them. Yes, there are times when tears will flow, anger will rage, internal hate will set in. As human beings we can learn to deal with that and learn from it. Then we are able to move on into a better life.

I hope you join me in celebrating the different things that you are free from in your life this weekend. I hope you follow my story from being a 500 pound patient to eventually retiring as an Emergency Medical Technician instructor.

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