A young woman learning to save lives shares her EMT training experience, weight loss goals, and the diet tools that are making her a future healthy Paramedic. She also shares EMT jobs and Paramedic jobs around the world. She writes about Fort Worth/DFW to raise money for wounded Emergency Medical Technicians, Firefighters, K9 Officers, Law Enforcement, Police Officers, Rescuers and their families around the world.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Relationship goals in the 21st century

A relationship goal of abundance can mean many different things. If someone asked one hundred couples what abundance to them means then that person would get one hundred different answers? The answer is yes.

Are you looking for fertility, harmony, love, abundance, and productivity in your life and relationship? All of these words mean abundance in a relationship. It doesn’t matter if the relationship is romantic or professional when someone is learning how to bring abundance into their life. What do people think when the word abundance is mentioned? The thought of money and possessing things comes to mind when people think about abundance as a relationship goal.

Abundance, fertility, harmony, love, and productivity in a relationship comes in many forms. It can be on a material level, spiritual level, and an emotional level. What do you think of when you want to bring abundance into your relationship? What do you think of when the term fertility is used? Are we discussing the birth of children in a relationship or does the word mean something different?

What about harmony in a relationship? Can people create perfect harmony in a relationship or is a little friction important? Love? Is it Eros love or Agape love that is best for relationships? Is productivity in a relationship all about who brings home the most bacon?

For the next week these five relationship goals will be discussed in detail. These five items are not only things that human beings should want in their relationships but also in their everyday life. Please read and feel free to comment on any of the future relationship posts. Let’s build a relationship of different people wanting to improve their life, relationship with themselves, and relationship with other people.

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